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Socially responsible investing

Our socially responsible investing section is the place to find out more about responsible investing. Discover more about Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) investing, sustainable investing and responsible investment funds.


What is socially responsible investing?

A socially responsible investment strategy seeks to consider both financial returns and positive social outcomes.

What is Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) investing?

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing is an investment approach that considers how companies impact the environment and society, as well as how they’re governed.

What is sustainable investing?

Not to be confused with socially responsible investing (SRI) or environmental, social & governance investing (ESG), sustainable investing typically focuses on creating positive long-term social and environmental outcomes.

What is impact investing?

Impact investing aims to generate financial returns while also creating a positive impact for society and the environment.

What is Shariah-compliant investing?

Learn more about the approach that aims to achieve financial returns while only investing in companies that comply with Islamic finance principles.

What is a Paris-Aligned Benchmark?

As concerns about climate change grow, the financial system is responding with new ways to reduce carbon emissions within investment portfolios. An important development in this area is the creation of Paris-Aligned Benchmarks (PABs).


What is a responsible investment fund?

Find out what a responsible investment fund is, how it works and how your pension savings are invested when you choose a PensionBee plan.

What are decarbonisation pathways?

Find out what decarbonisation pathways are.

The Climate Plan - invest in line with the Paris Agreement

Find out how you can use your pension to invest in environmentally friendly businesses at the forefront of the transition to a low carbon economy.

When investing, your capital is at risk

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