Pension contributions
Our Pension Contributions section takes you through the basics of saving for retirement. Learn how to make contributions, how much to pay in, and what contribution limits apply, plus discover what your options are if you’re self-employed.
Making pension contributions
Find out how much the average person pays into their pension, and how our pension calculator can help you decide what level of contributions to make.
How to check your pension contributions
Discover how to check your personal and workplace pension contributions and find out how to protect your State Pension.
When should I start a pension?
Learn the benefits of starting a pension early and find out how contributions from your employer and tax relief from HMRC can boost your savings.
How much should I pay into my pension?
Find out the key things you should consider when deciding how much to save into a pension, and the benefits of tax relief and employer contributions.
How to pay a lump sum into a pension
Find out the rules for paying a lump sum into your pension, and why saving more into your pension can help you reach your retirement goals, faster.
How do government pension contributions work?
Find out how the government contributes to your pension in the form of tax relief. Learn how it works and how PensionBee can help you claim it.
How do I top up my pension? (State, personal and workplace)
Find out how you can top up your workplace or personal pension with additional payments and lump sums, and learn the rules for State Pension top up.
How much can I pay into a pension each year?
Find out how much you can pay into your pension each year and the tax relief limits, including when the new tapered allowance takes effect.
Pension contribution limits
Find out how much you can contribute to your pension and receive a tax top up from HMRC, and learn what happens if you exceed the contribution limit.
Employer matched pension contributions
Find out how employer matched pension contributions work and what impact increased contributions could have on your workplace pension.
Pension carry forward rule
Find out how the pension carry forward rule can help you manage your pension contributions more tax efficiently.
Pension overpayment
Concerned about receiving too much of your pension? Learn how it can happen and what to do when overpayment occurs.
Pension contributions while on parental leave
Find out how your pension contributions are impacted by parental leave. Learn how it works and how you can prepare for it.
Combine your pensions
At PensionBee, we do things differently. There are no hidden service fees, platform fees, or any other kind of confusing fees - just one clear annual fee.