Our self-employed section is the place to find out more about topics such as pension contributions from your limited company and private pensions for the self-employed. You can also find out more about what pension you can get if you are self-employed more generally.
What's the best pension for the self-employed?
Self-employed? Find out how to find the best pension for your needs and what you can do to grow your savings without input from an employer.
What pension can I get if I'm self-employed?
If you’re self-employed, find out how to set up your own private pension. Learn about tax relief and the benefits of choosing your own pension fund.
What is a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)?
Find out how a SIPP (a Self-Invested Personal Pension) works and the benefits and considerations of managing your own investments.
Private pensions for the self-employed
If you’re self employed, find out how to set up your own private pension. Learn about tax relief and the benefits of choosing your own pension fund.
Pension contributions from your limited company
Find out how to manage staff pension contributions from a limited company and learn the tax benefits pension contributions can bring to your business.
Choose a self-employed pension that puts you in the driving seat
Sign up to our flexible pension plan for the self-employed and contribute as much or as little as you like, as often as you like.
When investing, your capital is at risk