Family and Care
Our family and care section is the place to find out more about looking after family members, what to do when expecting a baby, or family problems like illness, divorce or bereavement.
Am I ready for a baby?
However many books, parenting guides and articles you read, the truth is that nothing can completely prepare you for it.
Maternity leave and maternity pay
Learn more about maternity leave and pay and how Statutory Maternity Leave and Pay are two of the most important benefits available to new mothers.
Paternity leave and paternity pay
When expecting a child in the UK, one partner can take Statutory Paternity Leave while the other partner’s either on Statutory Maternity Leave or Statutory Adoption Leave.
Adoption leave and adoption pay
If you're planning to adopt a child in the UK, you might be wondering what your rights are for parental leave and pay. Read about Statutory Adoption Pay and how taking adoption leave impacts your pension.
Shared Parental Leave and Pay
Find out about Shared Parental Leave, who can take it, how much you'll get and read about the benefits and how you can make it work for you.
Becoming a parent
For those expecting a new arrival, it helps to plan and prepare for the exciting journey ahead. Here’s an overview of what to expect.
Average childcare costs
Childcare can be expensive, but there are different types and ways to get help with costs. Learn more about your options to find the best solution for your family.
Help with childcare costs
There are some ways in which you can get government support to pay for your childcare.
Childcare options
Here’s some of the childcare options available in the UK. Learn more about your options to find the best solution for your family.
Pension contributions while on parental leave
Find out how your pension contributions are impacted by parental leave. Learn how it works and how you can prepare for it.
Separation and divorce
Divorce is never easy, but it can be especially complicated when it comes to pensions. Learn about some of the main issues to consider.
How are finances split in a divorce?
Find out how finances can be split in a divorce in the UK and what you can do to protect your retirement savings.
How long after divorce can you claim a pension?
Learn about the pension rules that apply when you're going through a divorce.
How does divorce or remarrying affect your pension?
Through employee contributions, income tax, and personal contributions you may accrue pensionable benefits over your career. When you enter a marriage or civil partnership there can be legal consequences that may impact your pension.
Pension Sharing Order
Many couples get married to convey their commitment to each other. However, marriage also has legal implications. If a marital union dissolves, the court granting the divorce may split their financial assets - including any pensions accrued. The court order which defines the division of pensions is known as a Pension Sharing Order (PSO).
Pension Offsetting
Pension Offsetting's one of the options available to you when you're splitting assets in a divorce or when you're dissolving a civil partnership. Pension Offsetting means each party uses the value of their pension to offset against other assets such as property.
Pension Attachment Orders and Earmarking
When you get a divorce, you may find financial assets being discussed in court. A pension can be one of the biggest assets. One way of dividing it up is through Pension Attachment or Earmarking.
How does divorce affect the State Pension?
Divorce can have a significant impact on your finances, including your pensions. Find out how divorce affects your State Pension and learn about protected payments.
What qualifies for ill health retirement?
Find out what drawdown fees your pension provider may charge you when you access your pension, including administration and withdrawal fees.
Mental health in retirement
Retirement can impact our mental health, which can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, loneliness and depression. However, there are plenty of things you can do to prepare yourself for retirement, and potentially limit any negative impact on your mental health.
Power of attorney
Power of attorney gives someone you trust the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself.
What disability benefits can I claim?
If you’re registered as disabled you could get Disability Living Allowance, a tax-free benefit for those who need help with mobility or care costs.
Care home or home care?
When an elderly or disabled loved one needs extra support, choosing between care homes and home care can be a difficult decision. Learn more.
What happens to your pension when in hospital?
Learn what happens to your workplace pension, State Pension and how your Pension Credits could be affected when in hospital.
Writing a will
Writing a comprehensive will is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are provided for.
Funeral costs in the UK
Find out a breakdown of funeral costs and a few ways to help you plan a meaningful yet affordable funeral.
What to do when someone dies
Losing a loved one is incredibly hard. It’s important to take care of yourself during this challenging time. Here are some practical steps to consider.
Inheritance Tax guide
Find out what Inheritance Tax is, how to work out what you need to pay and when, and some of the ways you can reduce it.
Be pension confident!
Combine your old pension pots into one new online plan. It takes just a few minutes to sign up.