Retirement overview
Retirement planning tools
Withdrawal and retirement income
Retirement checklists
Your retirement and PensionBee
Talk to an expert
If you need some extra support to help you plan and manage your retirement you’re not on your own. Sometimes you just need to speak to a human. Thankfully, there are options available to get the support you need.
Talk to us
PensionBee doesn’t provide pension advice or offer personal recommendations, but we can help you understand more about how pensions work and share information about our products.
We’re passionate about making pensions simple so that everyone can look forward to a happy retirement. Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help you with your questions.
Talk to Pension Wise
Pension Wise is a government service independent of PensionBee. It offers free and impartial guidance explaining what your options are for taking money from your pension pots and other information about your pension choices.
An appointment with Pension Wise is available to anyone aged 50 and over with a defined contribution pension.
It’s helpful to understand what to expect from a Pension Wise appointment in order to help you get the most out of it.
Learn more
Where else can I get help?
An Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) is someone authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to offer impartial advice. An IFA will look to understand more about you and your financial situation to provide you with specialist pension advice.
An IFA will charge a fee for their advice which will vary from adviser to adviser. You can search for qualified local advisers at or An IFA could help you avoid making expensive and irreversible mistakes with your pension savings.
PensionBee is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. When investing, your capital is at risk.