Retirement overview
Retirement planning tools
Withdrawal and retirement income
Retirement checklists
Your retirement and PensionBee
Retirement checklists
When planning for retirement it can be difficult to know where to start and what to think about. Wherever you are in your journey, you may find our checklists and guides helpful to identify some things you may not have considered previously, which can be factored into your plan at any stage. From helping you understand when you’d like to retire and how much money you might need, to helping you budget and think about your pension and your family - our checklists can help you get or stay on track.

Preparing for retirement checklist
Understand the essential steps to consider when planning for your retirement.
Preparing for retirement in your 40s
Your 40s can come with many significant financial commitments from mortgages and loans to holidays and families. Learn what to consider to help balance those commitments with saving for retirement in your 40s.
Preparing for retirement in your 50s
In your 50s you may be thinking more seriously about retirement including where and how you want to live. Whether you’re on track, or not where you hoped you’d be, use our preparing for retirement in your 50s checklist to help you prepare for the not-so-distant future.