Maximum Growth Portfolio

Maximum Growth Portfolio logo

Aims to provide long-term growth through higher risk investments.

Risk Level
Yellow idea logo
Could be right for:
Anyone that wants to take on more risk for potential reward

How It Works

The Maximum Growth Portfolio is designed for investors seeking significant long-term growth through higher-risk opportunities.

This plan aims for maximum returns by taking bigger risks. While the potential rewards are higher, the risk of loss is also greater. If you’re aiming for high growth and are comfortable with the volatility that comes with it, this portfolio could be a great match. 

Asset Allocation
Asset allocation donut chart

How SPY and MDY Help

Investment Breakdown

This portfolio, powered by SPY and MDY, offers a diversified mix of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) across different asset classes and market sectors, designed for high growth potential:

U.S. Equities: Includes large-cap (SPY), small-cap (SPSM), and mid-cap (MDY) stocks, offering exposure to a range of U.S. companies at different stages of growth.
International Equities: Invests in developed (SPDW) and emerging markets (SPEM), capturing growth from both stable and fast-growing global regions.
Commodities: PDBC invests in energy, metals, and other commodities to help protect against inflation and target cyclical growth.
Real Estate: RWO invests in global real estate through REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), offering income and growth from property markets.
Small-Cap: GWX targets small companies outside the U.S. with high growth potential.

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