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PensionBee Health and Safety (UK) Policy


  1. Approach to Health and Safety
  2. A Safe and Healthy Workplace

This UK Health and Safety Policy sets out how PensionBee manages the health and safety of our UK business. We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and others who visit our offices in central London.

The Policy is more than a legal requirement, it is part of PensionBee’s continued commitment to improving the quality of how we plan and manage health and safety in the workplace following our core values of Love, Honesty, Quality, Simplicity, and Innovation.

1. Approach to Health and Safety

We are committed to maintaining a healthy and safe workplace. The overall and final responsibility for health and safety rests with the Directors of PensionBee. The day to day responsibility for putting this Health and Safety Policy into practice is delegated to a Health and Safety Officer.

However, we all share responsibility for highlighting and solving potential health and safety risks. All employees must:

  • Cooperate with their line managers and the PensionBee Senior Management on health and safety matters;
  • Not interfere with or remove anything that has been provided to safeguard their health and safety;
  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety; and
  • Report all health and safety concerns to their line manager or to the Health and Safety Employee Representative.

2. A Safe and Healthy Workplace

PensionBee will take reasonable steps to:

  • Provide adequate control of any health and safety risks arising from its workplace activities;
  • Involve and consult where possible its employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
  • Provide and maintain safe equipment;
  • Provide information, instruction, and supervision for employees;
  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related illness;
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions;
  • Review and revise its Health and Safety Policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Risk assessments are conducted by the Health and Safety Officer. Any actions required to remove or control the identified risks will be implemented in a timely manner. Risk assessments will be conducted annually or when the work activity or work location changes, whichever is the soonest. We review our fire safety risk assessment every 6 months, and after each evacuation.

If anyone spots anything that they believe poses a risk to an employee, contractor, or visitor to PensionBee, they must notify the Health and Safety Officer, their line manager, or the Health and Safety Employee Representative as soon as possible. Where practical, all employees will be consulted on any changes to health and safety practices.

Health and Safety training at PensionBee

As part of our Health and Safety Policy, all employees must complete a Compliance test within a month of joining the Company and at least annually. The general Compliance test covers Healthy Working, for an annual average of 0.5 hours of training per employee, with a dedicated course that will prepare employees to:

  • Appreciate the importance of prioritising health and wellbeing;
  • Maintain an appropriate posture to prevent upper limb disorders and back pain;
  • Take appropriate action to promote wellbeing when using display screen equipment (DSE);
  • Safely lift and carry goods manually at work;
  • Recognise signs of stress and take action to reduce it;
  • Observe the Department of Health and Social Care’s recommendations on alcohol consumption to ensure fitness for work.

Training is compulsory for employees at all levels, including the Board. Training is updated annually to reflect changes in legislation and best practice. Employees are required to pass the test with a minimum mark of 80%. Throughout the year, the People Team will also provide Health and Safety refreshers at company wide meetings.

PensionBee has a fully trained First Aider, who is responsible to take charge when someone is injured or falls ill, including administering basic first aid and calling an ambulance if necessary. PensionBee also has a team of qualified Mental Health First Aiders, trained to provide mental health support to employees.

The first aid boxes are kept in a labelled cupboard close to the entrance and in the kitchen. All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or another member of staff on duty as soon as possible. The Office Manager will make a record in the accident book. All accidents must be recorded, no matter how small. The Health and Safety Officer is also responsible for reporting accidents, diseases, and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority.

Since PensionBee’s inception, we have reported zero accidents, injuries and fatalities, resulting in no occupational diseases nor lost working days. This applies to all PensionBee colleagues, including contractors, and visitors.

The full Health and Safety Policy is documented and managed on a dedicated platform and accessible by all employees at any time. This includes guidance and best practices regarding fire and evacuation, contagious illnesses, cleanliness of the working environment, slips and trips, electrical hazards, manual handling, stress and wellbeing, working from home and more.

External audits provide additional independent assurance that the policy is fit for purpose and complied with during the course of business operations.

Last edited: 19-06-2024

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