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What happened at PensionBee in April and May 2019

Zainabb Hull

by , Team PensionBee

at PensionBee

30 May 2019 /  

What happened at PensionBee in April and May 2019

We’ve got some exciting updates to share with you, including a fresh look on our website and our rollout of new Simpler Annual Statements, which makes us the first pension provider to offer customers an easy to understand snapshot of their pension. Read on to learn what’s new at PensionBee and how we’re improving your pension experience.

We’ve adopted Simpler Annual Statements to make it even easier to manage your pension

Simpler Annual Statements

We want to give our customers complete transparency and control over their savings. Whether that’s by giving you full visibility of how your pension’s performing, or making our annual statements easier to understand – we’re on a mission to make pensions simple!

Our Simpler Annual Statements are designed to provide a short and clear overview of your pension. They’ll show you the total balance, how much you’ve contributed to your pension, the tax top ups you’ve received from HMRC and how much your employer has paid in, if applicable.

We’re pleased to be the first pension provider to adopt the new format, since it was announced by the government back in October. Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion, Guy Opperman said: “I am 110% committed to simpler statements and am pleased to see PensionBee adopting the Simpler Annual Statement. I look forward to the rest of the industry doing the same thing in 2019.”

If you have a live balance and transferred your old pensions to PensionBee before the end of the 2018/19 tax year, (and haven’t transferred out or started withdrawing from your pension), you’ll be able to view your Simpler Annual Statement in your BeeHive.

We’ve refreshed our website to show you how PensionBee works, from consolidating to withdrawing your pension

How It Works update

We’re always working to bust jargon and demystify pensions, whether that’s through the articles in our Pensions Explained centre, our Pensions 101 videos over on YouTube, or explaining how pensions work right here on our website. We’ve recently updated our How It Works page to give you a simple and concise walkthrough of our service - our website is as easy and straightforward as it is to manage your pension with PensionBee!

Plus we’ve added new sections on combining your old pensions with PensionBee and making contributions to your new PensionBee plan, which sit alongside our page on how to withdraw your pension when it’s time to retire. Our site covers everything you need to know, from transferring your existing pensions over to us, to receiving tax top ups from HMRC, and even planning your retirement with our drawdown calculator.

We’ve been nominated… again!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been nominated for Diversity and Inclusion Champion in the Computing Tech Marketing and Innovation Awards 2019! We’re incredibly proud of our diverse team, whose dedication, commitment, and insight make PensionBee such a wonderful and inclusive place to work.

We’ve also been nominated for Tech Company of the Year in the Evening Standard Business Awards 2019 - alongside Twitter, no less!

And that’s not all - PensionBee has also been nominated in the Investment Marketing and Innovation Awards 2019. We’re shortlisted for three awards: the Corporate Social Responsibility Award, Most Innovative Direct Consumer Proposition, and the Open Innovation Award. We’re proud to be bringing our company values of innovation and love to the pensions industry.

Plus, our CEO, Romi, has been nominated for no less than six accolades at the Women in Pensions Awards 2019, including Pensions Woman of the Year and Role Model of the Year. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated.

Keep an eye out for our next update on our blog. We’re always working on new features to make our customers happy, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section or over on social media, and we’ll feed it back to the team.

Sort your pension today

Sign up to PensionBee and we’ll combine your old pensions into a new plan that you can manage online.

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