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Introducing our three new plans

Jasper Martens

by , Chief Marketing Officer

at PensionBee

26 Jan 2019 /  

Introducing our three new plans

Today, we’re taking our range of plans from a fantastic four to a magnificent seven. Existing and new customers can now invest in our Preserve, 4Plus and Shariah plans. So what exactly do these new plans offer? And who might they be suitable for?

Let’s kick things off with PensionBee Preserve.

PensionBee Preserve

  • Managed by State Street
  • Low risk
  • Annual fee of 0.5%*
  • 0.25% on the portion of your savings above £100,000

Our Preserve Plan aims to shelter your pension from stock market volatility. Instead of investing in the markets, it makes short-term investments into creditworthy companies - reducing your risk with the intention of preserving your money.

Who is it a good fit for?

There’s no getting away from the fact it’s been a volatile year in the markets. Brexit, trade wars and a series of corporate scandals have all taken their toll, with pension funds tied in up in stocks feeling the impact.

Over the long-term, investments tend to weather these storms, but if you’re close to drawdown chances are you won’t want to take that risk. If that sounds like you PensionBee Preserve can help, as it removes your money from the markets and seeks stability. Just be prepared to put pension preservation ahead of investment growth.

PensionBee 4Plus

  • Managed by State Street
  • Low risk
  • Annual fee of 0.95%
  • 0.48% on the portion of your savings above £100,000

Our 4Plus Plan aims to achieve long-term growth of 4% per year, by managing your money actively across a range of global investments. The fund manager, State Street, responds to market developments where necessary, always seeking a balance between growth and stability.

Who is it a good fit for?

Just like PensionBee Preserve, our 4Plus Plan is built for retirees. It’s cautious, but not to the extent that you won’t see any growth in your money, as a large chunk of it will remain actively invested in the markets.

Ultimately, it’s an ideal plan for people looking to de-risk before retirement. The long-term growth target of 4% can indicate what you’ll expect to receive, so you can start planning your retirement to a degree of certainty.

PensionBee Shariah

  • Managed by HSBC
  • High risk
  • Annual fee of 0.95%
  • 0.48% on the portion of your savings above £100,000

Our Shariah Plan invests your money only into shariah-compliant companies. Investments are approved by an independent Shariah committee, who work closely with the fund manager HSBC.

Who is it a good fit for?

Shariah-compliant funds are a branch of socially responsible investing, shaped by the Islamic faith. As such, the PensionBee Shariah fund excludes investments in:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Gambling
  • Military equipment or weapons
  • Pornography
  • Any products containing pork

It’s an ethical fund that anyone can choose to be in - not just Muslims - so if you’re interested in responsible investing it’s worth exploring how your ethics align. It carries higher risk given that your investments can’t be quite as diversified as other plans, so that’s something to weigh up when choosing the Shariah option.

If you’re a customer you can switch to to any of our new plans in the “account, my plan section” of your BeeHive. If you’re yet to join to us just head to our pension plans and pick your new plan from there.

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Combine your old pension pots into one new online plan. It takes just a few minutes to sign up.

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