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Meet the BeeKeepers

Jade Wimbledon

by , Freelance Writer

11 Oct 2016 /  

Meet the BeeKeepers

At PensionBee we don’t have account managers, we have BeeKeepers. They’re the busy folks who hunt high and low for your pensions, put them in a shiny new PensionBee plan and provide ongoing customer support.

Nobody knows better than our BeeKeepers that pension providers can be a tricky bunch). The BeeKeepers are accustomed to tinkling hold music, familiar with fax machines, and expert at staying calm in the face of frustration as they search for your pensions.

When you sign up to PensionBee, you’ll be assigned a BeeKeeper (Emily, Priyal or James), who will be on hand throughout, from finding and moving your pensions to answering any questions you have about your PensionBee plan.

Here’s a bit more about each of our brilliant BeeKeepers.



“I wanted to work for an organisation that was on the cutting edge, making a real impact in terms of positive social change, where I could learn and grow, and enjoy my work.

What I love most about working here is the buzz! Working with such a motivated and talented team is really exciting, more so because everyone is passionate about making a positive social impact by transforming the pensions industry. Its an empowering culture. I am proud of the fact that we work on campaigns such as exposing gender inequality in pensions. Interacting with customers everyday, and seeing how we really are making a postive impact on peoples lives, means that I go home with a bit of a glow every evening.

One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had so far was saving my customer £18,000, which she nearly lost due to a pension transfer deadline. At first we thought that we wouldn’t be able to save it because the deadline was a week away, but after negotiating with her providers and modifying our normal procedures, we saved her pension. Seeing how grateful she was really made my work feel meaningful.

Seeing providers who simply don’t care about their customers is a frustrating part of my job. ‘Data protection’ often seems to be used to excuse extremely poor customer service. The ‘computer says no’ approach is unfortunately widespread in the industry, and this creates barriers which leave people feeling daunted about pensions.”



“I found out about PensionBee through my friend Priyal. She knew that I had also recently left teaching, and recommended the company to me. Once we’d overcome the confusion of me believing she was an actual Bee Keeper, I thought the idea sounded really exciting, and applied straight away.

I’ve been really enjoying making a difference to the world of pensions! Sorting out your pensions shouldn’t have to be this big, laborious chore. Unfortunately, many providers don’t yet agree with us on that one. However, being able to surprise someone with a positive experience of the pensions industry is great, and some of the really lovely feedback we’ve had from our customers makes it all worthwhile. It’s incredibly rewarding when you feel you’ve been able to go the extra mile for a customer. It makes all the hours on hold, dealing with pension providers worth it!

The worst thing is having to tell people that their providers are putting yet another unnecessary or overly complicated delay on proceedings. We always strive to give the best possible customer service, so where factors outside of our control stop us from doing that, it can feel really frustrating.”



“Whilst on the post-graduation job hunt, I found PensionBee through a startup jobs website and after doing a bit of research, applying was a no-brainer. I thought the concept was not only very clever and exciting but also had massive scope as it provides a tangible solution to a real problem in society - outdated pension providers!

What I like most about being a BeeKeeper is playing detective! Rescuing our customer’s hard-earned savings from oblivion and putting them back in control of their own retirement. I started quite recently but I’ve already helped a woman who was in danger of losing a four-figure pension due to her provider’s ‘transfer out’ deadline. Being part of a fantastic team of very talented people also helps! The most frustrating part of my job is the hold music I have to listen to every day when I’m contacting providers to find customer pensions.”

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