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Five lessons learnt working at PensionBee

Emily Tribe

by , Team PensionBee

18 Apr 2016 /  

Five lessons learnt working at PensionBee

Five lessons learnt working at PensionBee

When I left teaching last year, I was looking for a new challenge. Something totally fresh and exciting. Little did I know I was going to find it in the pensions industry! Since starting at PensionBee I’ve been on a whirlwind tour. It’s been rejuvenating, uplifting and hard work. Here’s what I’ve learnt…

If something is broken, fix it.

The idea for PensionBee began back when our CEO Romi had a rather costly, negative experience with her pension provider. Rather than being defeated by the system, she decided to revolutionise it! This rule applies to everything we do within the company. We are constantly on the lookout for ways to improve: if it’s inefficient, we change it. One of the most invigorating things about working for a young start up is there’s no dusty, old formula to follow. Although some things might take longer to change…

The hills are alive with the sound of hold music.

If I didn’t have an appreciation for the supposedly soothing sounds of telephone orchestras before, I certainly do now. It amazes me how some companies can be so inefficient, and yet still retain their customers. In the hunt for people’s pensions there is a wide range of difference between providers. Some are helpful, others fill the office with the constant purr of hold music. Our stress balls - named after the worst offenders - provide a small amount of release, but what really keeps us going is determination to make a difference to the world of pensions.

Pensions don’t have to be boring.

I never would have expected myself to work in this industry and love it! However, I knew immediately PensionBee were on to something far too special to miss. At the time I was experiencing a mild case of “pension panic”, wondering why I couldn’t solve my worries with the click of a button. I think it’s about time pensions were given a make-over and brought into the 21st century. It’s exciting working for a vibrant company with a clear mission, one which will hopefully put people back in control of their futures.

Show and Tell is for grown-ups too.

Coming from a background in early-years education, I was surprised to find Show and Tell here in the office. Instead of talking about our toys, we show the team our proudest achievement of the week. Having the opportunity to peak into all areas of the company is great, even if coding does look like a magical language to me! It’s refreshing to share the positives and see what everyone gets up to behind their screens.

A team that bathes together, stays together.

Here at PensionBee there is a company culture of getting in the bath tub as a team. It’s intimate, it’s cosy, but we’re in it together. There’s an addictive buzz in the room when everyone is equally passionate and committed to a cause. Working with such a young team, where everyone is on top of their game, keeps the atmosphere fresh and inspiring. It could just be the best company culture you’re ever likely to see.

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